Thursday 4 December 2014

✴ An update with a hint of my worst nightmare ✴

We haven't really been in school much this week due to work experience and the strike but we are still very busy... On Wednsday we had our last day of work experience for our first placement. I was working in ABsolutely FABulous flowers. Which is a florist and giftware shop. I really enjoyed my time there it was so fun and great business with everything from hats to flowers to candles. I'm really looking forward to my next placement.

Today we had the annual prefect decommissioning service. As we are in Ty now I knew some of the new 5th year prefects who you used to my in my year so it was so strange seeing them wearing the prefect badge time flies so fast I still feel like I'm in first year sometimes. It's always funny hearing the stories of the prefect training night... I hope I get the role of prefect next year :) 

We also have a maths trip tomorrow (bad) and we will be gone for the whole school day (good). Although maths isn't really my thing well it's more like my enemy... But its more about team work tomorrow so I'm  looking forward to it as it will good fun out in the countryside and then of course the singing on the bus and we get to go to blanchardstown shopping centre for lunch so thats a plus right ;) 

I have also joined the Web committee at school Im looking forward to seeing the new website up and running :) Also we have been working on our plays in English and we have to perform them in front of the whole year on Tuesday so I'm very nervous :/ But hopefully it goes well...