Thursday 23 April 2015

*Puts creative funny title here*

I haven't posted a blog post in ages due to Easter Holidays and LOTS of projects! I'm struggling to think of what to say. March was a pretty quiet month as far as trips away go. However, I have really been loving my work experience at the moment. Its our last week next and I'm really sad as I have loved the experience. I'm working with a Cathy O Connor, a fashion stylist.. Last week I got to work on a shoot with 'xpose' and I was in charge of photography which was great. I got to talk with one of the  presenters Kate. I have also got to help work on shoots with Ireland Am and attend fashion shows and meet loads of people like bloggers and a jewellery designer called Melissa (who designed jewellery for Michelle Obama when she came to Ireland)
 At fashions shows and events like that catering is always provided and the food is amazing. As much as I look forward to seeing the clothes I love getting the food :P last week there was sushi and Japanese inspired food and I also went to a fashion show rose garden themed where there was pink donuts, cupcakes and pink lemonade so I'm happy out :))

Tomorrow myself and most of the other Tys are going on our Gaisce Hike. I am looking forward to it I need to pack asap though. Hopefully the walk won't be too hard and we wont all be dying.......
I don't know what house I'm staying in yet So I don't know what food to bring so I am just going to wing it and bring hot chocolate powder ;)) We are getting to do  lots off out door activities like archery and high rope so it should be fun.

Every Friday for PE we are doing hip hop classes. I love dance and I do it outside school so I have been loving the classes. Michaela and I just bring our inner sass throughout the whole class !

Besides that we are working on lots projects for the end of the year which is in like 5 WEEKS :O
and we are all starting to plan for TY night which is on the 25th of May.

*interesting end note*