Thursday 21 May 2015

❋ Save the best til last! ❋

On Wednesday 20th of May Our Ty group went on our very last TY trip to Xtreme Sports in Swords. It was definitely a save best 'til last moment as I loved the trip! I love adventurous stuff and its also a bonus that I love heights! I felt vey dauntless!  *Divergent reference*
Lots of girls in our year are afraid of heights but they still enjoyed it. I made sure to go on everything I could. We got split into groups when we arrived. Dave was my groups instructor.
 We started off with archery and than we moved on to the obstacle course on the top level. They were super high up as you can see in the picture below. It was so fun at one point when I was doing the obstacle course I got nervous as I could step onto the logs cause it was so windy but I survived!
 We than did the free fall which is literally you get strapped into a rope and you jump off a high platform and fall. It was so good and we all screamed going down it went really fast it was literally over in less than 10 seconds!!
Than we did the zip line, I really liked this as I went really fast I was the first one in our group to do it! We were stuck for time so when I finished I had to run back up so that I could give the equipment to the instructor.
Alison and I were finished the zipline early so we joined another group and went on the second level of the obstacle course, it was really good as it had different obstacles we had to go on a climbing wall and walk across logs etc
We finished just after 1 so we all went to Liffey Vally for lunch. I got a strawberry milkshake from Mcdonalds and than we went shopping for a bit so I was happy out :)


Thursday 14 May 2015

❤️Swim for a Mile ❤️

Swim Ireland’s “Swim for a Mile Challenge” is a swimming initiative set up to encourage people in Ireland to get back into the pool. The organisation want to encourage people and show Ireland that there is no need to shy away from the pool and that you don't have to be a great athlete for swimming to be physically beneficial and fun. By taking part in swim for a mile people will become more familiar with their local swimming pools and clubs and might want to continue swimming on a regular basis.

Last Wednesday all the TYs went to the national aquatic centre to take part in the swim for a mile challenge. Not everyone one swam some people kept count of the laps but most people swam. I was a bit nervous at first swimming with my year but I love swimming and really enjoyed it cause I'm Ariel ;) I literally used to pretend I was a mermaid from H20 when I was younger *awkward*

It was really nice to be able to say we took part in the challenge and once we finished the challenge we messed around in the pool for awhile and than we all got free t-shirts. One of the organisers took our picture as a year group and he also got a really awkward picture of Michaela Emma Serena and I :''))
Afterwards we went to blanch for 2 hours and we went shopping of course bought food. I ate burger king in McDonalds *cause rebel* ;)

Overall it was really enjoyable self rewarding day :)

''They're Lovely'' ;)

We had our annual retreat yesterday in Maynooth University. For the last 3 years we have had our retreat in 'St Raphaels' which is a local centre so it was really nice to do something different. One of the best things about this retreat was that it had a different approach to the previous years. As usually the retreats were about your faith but this time it was more about voicing our opinion on the world and reflecting on our lives.
Were not really allowed to talk about what we did in the retreat as it's confidential  not even the teachers are allowed to know, hence the code 'they're lovely' is our response when asked abut the retreat. ;)
 At the beginning of the retreat we played leap frog (which I was very overly excited about ) and then we played this came called the weakest link. We were all teeth and there were four dentist and we all had to link arms and not let the dentists pull us out of the circle. It was so much fun and we all turned into savages literally... I WAS DRAGGED ACCROSS THE FLOOR BY MY FEET still holding onto Emma  :') We then had a break and of course we all went to 'Starbucks and hot chocolate and coffee which was gooddddd :))))
Afterwards we split into groups and we were faced with questions that we had to discuss and answer within the group. We then all talked about the different questions and scenarios and voiced our opinion to the whole year group. It was really interesting to hear different peoples point of you and I really enjoyed this part of the day. It was funny as we all turned into lawyers at a court case as we all had very strong views and answers.
 Before we knew it, it was time to go home. The day had gone really fast and we all got back onto the bus and Michaela and I made snapchat stoirs and blared Taylor Swift the whole way back to school :)

*Oh and the people who ran the retreat were actually really lovely ;)*

Thursday 7 May 2015

Hip Hop

Every Friday for the past few fridays we have been  doing hip hop classes .We have been dancing to an Ariana Grande and Beyonce mash up. We will be showcasing the dance on TY night. I take dance classes outside school so I love dance and Ive been enjoying it. I thinks it been a fun thing to do every week and the teacher is really nice. We are currently planning our costumes for the showcase so its a good experience.